Thursday, March 08, 2012

Write a letter to a sports magazine_on February 23

I don’t agree with the opinion that everybody cheats in sports because I think a lot of sportsmen and women are always trying to play the game.

Sometimes there is an impure ploy to have some benefits in their games, but I believe that it only happens in sports in which many players compete. For example, fouling in football games. Basically, I blame the player who puts it on during the game while trying to extend the injury time or who dives and falls down on purpose to trick referees in football games. It’s also true that is a very funny situation when the player stands up and runs around again a few minutes later as though nothing had happened.

However, I reckon the reason we are watching and supporting sports games is that we believe the sporting sprit is still alive. Hopefully, this will also happen on the field.

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